Kypros Herodotou Nicolaides
Kypros Herodotou Nicolaides is the founder of fetal medicine and director of The Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, the first fetal medicine unit in the United Kingdom. He was the first scientist in the world who described the highly important ultrasound markers allowing for the prenatal detection of serious conditions. His programme of first trimester screening revolutionised obstetrical practice in many countries and became the common standard in more than 2000 centres in the world. In 1992, Kypros Herodotou Nicolaides conducted the first ultrasound course on prenatal diagnostics at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University; he has been collaborating with the Department of Medical Genetics and Fetal Medicine in Olomouc for many years.
- Palacký University Honorary Doctorate - May 4, 2011