Endowment Fund
Mission is of the Endowment Fund is to provide support for international research and artistic activities of excellence carried out by students. This should serve to contribute to the development of international cooperation and internationalization of UP and help deal with society-wide as well as environmental problems.
The programmes of support and connected activities are designed for students who take their scientific-research or artistic plans seriously. We believe that a responsible approach to one's own work within a university environment involves the capacity to reflect upon the significance and meaning of the scientific or artistic endeavour and the ability to present the benefit of the projects receiving support to a wide spectrum of the public, from the ranks of both professionals and laypersons, in a clear and comprehensible manner.
We start out from the concept of the third role of universities . It is our conviction that the participation of such a prestigious institution with a long tradition and promising future in public life is a natural component of its mission.
We are interested in the theme of social innovations, namely new tools directed towards improving the quality of the environment and the life of the entire society. We are convinced that quality of life must remain the chief and conscious motivation for the scientific and artistic work of our students.