Science and Technology Park
We are the centre for innovation and technology transfer at Palacký University Olomouc (UP). We support the creation of start-up and spin-off companies while utilising the full potential of UP. We make new technologies available and connect companies with the academic world. The UP Science and Technology Park offers a wide range of services to UP employees and students, as well as partners beyond.
What we offer:
- technologies developed by UP scientists for licensing
- products developed by UP scientists for commercialisation
- facilitating measurements, analyses, and research with the possibility of long-term cooperation
- instrumentation and services by UP experts
- industrial 3D printing
- super computer server for complex numerical simulations and geoinformation services
- funding of joint projects between companies and UP
- rental of offices, production space, laboratories, and coworking in the university campus at Šlechtitelů Street or in the new Envelopa Hub.
What we offer starting entrepreneurs:
- classic or coworking office at a prestigious university address
- networking, educational activities, competitions
- UP Business Camp conference on the path to successful entrepreneurship
- Enterprising Mind, the annual competition for the best business idea.
What we offer Palacký University:
- intellectual property protection (we can advise you on industrial legal protection of your scientific idea or invention; we are the keepers of the records of the UP patent portfolio)
- commercial use of your scientific idea or invention
- corporate contracts for your laboratory (we will find business partners for you, support you in preparing joint projects with companies, and find funding opportunities for your project)
- a suitable space for temporary work teams or starting a company.