Contract Research
Palacký University Olomouc offers research, measurements, and analyses in the form of contract research, using the expertise of its professional teams. A dynamic modernisation of all UP science facilities has been carried out in recent years, including new premises for the UP Faculties of Science, and Medicine and Dentistry. On the basis of funding by the Czech Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme, the centres of research excellence such as the RCPTM, CR-HANÁ, IMTM and the Research and Education Centre at the UP Faculty of Education have been built. In addition to these, the Olomouc-Holice campus has recenty been modernised within the CenBiol project. In 2016, BALUO, a new research centre for sports, physical activities, technologies and enterprise was built. All the above-mentioned facilities house top-notch institutes and laboratories loaded with state-of-the-art technologies and high-end devices which may be put to use in your research.
An example of successful contract research is the Innovation Vouchers programme, by means of which Palacký University has recently facilitated in the realisation of over 40 projects. These projects in collaboration with Palacký University have allowed private companies to realise the development of efficient anti-oxidation compounds for cosmetic purposes, optimisation and innovation in the composition of fertilisers, the development of a new optical endoscope, and the development of contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging.
What we offer:
- Top experts in the field
- Access to the latest scientific findings and state-of-the-art research devices
- Custom-made measurements and analyses
- Development of new products and improvement of the properties of existing ones
- Securing funding for co-financing of joint research
- Transfer of technologies between academic institutes and commercial subjects
More information on: vtpup.cz/en